to DBridge

An integrated platform for doctors based on online community with medical device mall.

An integrated platform where doctors can learn, share, network and purchase with no boundaries on our online community based online medical device mall

Our team has extensive first-hand experience in dental education, sales and marketing. We are always running on our feet, eager to hear from our users and partners directly to fulfill their unmet needs and further improve to provide better service. With our global resources, network and experience in business, we focus on growing capabilities of doctors and medical device companies by bridging them directly.

Our partners

Our aim is to grow together with our partners and employees. Your success is our success! We will cater to your needs for your global success with our expertise in market.

Linked in Hayoung, Ahn →

How it all started

While Lina (Founder and CEO of DBridge) was working for a global dental implant company she noticed that there is a huge information imbalance for dentists between regions Which was due to capability issue of distributor or limited resource from HQ, lack of understanding of market or geographical reason. In order to solve this problem DBridge thought of a way to provide equal accessibility of information and learning opportunities to all dentists globally, DBridge launched first beta service in India. This will give opportunity for many dentists to network to give and receive peer review to improve clinical skills and knowledge as well as bridging dental companies entering Indian market to approach directly to global users more effectively, professionally, and affordably.


the world class healthcare

Connecting the world class healthcare professionals for integrated all in one platform for facial aesthetics and cosmetology.


To be a one stop service provider for healthcare providers specializing in facial aesthetics and cosmetology across the globe.

Provide world class clinical courses and mentoring on facial aesthetics and cosmetology for upgrading skills of healthcare professionals. Select and bridge top quality medical device direct from Korean manufacturers making it readily available to doctors across the world with transparent competitive price. Grow with our partner clinics for long-term partnership.  The more you grow the more we grow!

  • 8+

  • 20+

  • 1000+

    Healthcare Professionals
  • 6+
